After having a cork break on an older vintage wine and a second cork almost meeting the same demise a couple nights later, I finally bought an Ah-So. Although not a high dollar item, I looked at a few reviews and ordered the Monopol Westmark Germany Steel Two-Prong Cork Puller with Cover (Silver Satin) .
A few days later, the nifty little gadget showed up. I couldn’t help but start to wonder…where did this gadget get it’s peculiar name? It is hard to trace and I’m still not convinced everything I’m about to write is accurate, but it is what I found in doing research. I’ll give you a heads up – It’s a real intellectual bomb shell. You’re going to possibly regret the minutes you just spent on this somewhat worthless trivia but maybe you can use it at your next wine geek potluck.
The term Ah-so is from the German word “Ach-so” which translates into “I see.” Allegedly, this is the reaction people say when seeing how the contraption works. As in, their first thought is “What the heck is that thing” and after seeing it used say “I see”…Ach-so…Ah-so!
The Ah-so is also known as the “Butler’s Friend” or “Dishonest Butler.” Both very appropriate. You see, the butler staff figured out they could easily remove the cork on a bottle of wine with this gadget, take a few sips, fill the bottle back up with a liquid of choosing, and place the cork back into the bottle without leaving evidence of their transgressions. In the United Kingdom, these are the terms of choice.
I may not have advanced your wine knowledge on this post. But I encourage you to buy an Ah-so for the delicate corks in your life. I for one, am excited to have my new nifty wine gadget….yes, I’ll be at the wine geek potluck.